What Requires A Fire Permit? A permit is required to construct, alter, or modify any building or structure or any portion of any building or structure to ensure compliance with the 2015 International series of codes. A site plan permit is required to develop any residential subdivision or commercial site to determine street wide, fire hydrant placement and Fire Department access according to the 2015 International Fire Code.
Procedures For Obtaining A Permit: Fire permit applications can be applied for online through the Lincoln County Fire Protection District Web site. The Site Plan and building plans can be sent electronically through the email provided. Engineered sealed plans will be required according to the guidelines stated in the Missouri State Statutes. The plans submitted need to include all buildings and portions of the project.
Processing A Permit: The application and plans submitted will be reviewed by the fire code official for compliance according to the 2015 International code series. Most plans will be reviewed within 10 business days and a correction notice or approval notice will be provided. Larger more detailed projects will be reviewed in as timely manor as possible.
Permit Fees: The Lincoln County Fire Protection District uses the ICC tabular data table to calculate the estimated cost of construction. This formula is based on the Type of Construction Method, size of the building and use group. Fees are assessed at $3.00 per thousand of estimated cost of construction.
Construction must begin within six months after the permit is issued and be completed within one year or the permit will be considered expired.
It is the primary responsibility of the property owner to secure the Fire permit. If the property owner should contract part or all of the proposed work, it shall be the responsibility of both the owner and the contractor to ensure that all required permits and approvals have been secured prior to any work being started.
Inspections: All portions of the project will require inspections which will include but not limited to a wall rough, ceiling cover, fire sprinkler, fire alarm, final, and then an occupancy. Inspections are required before any work will be cover and should be called into the fire station at least 24 hours in advance.